Holiday Survival Guide: How To Avoid Accidents And Have A Happy Holiday!

The holidays are upon us and with it the pressures mount! You have to get everything done, groceries bought, decorations up, gifts wrapped and a feast ready for all your guests - all in one week. If you think that's going to be easy, think again! It can be stressful but with a little preparation and foresight it doesn't have to be an ordeal.
Picture of By The My Urgent Care Clinic Team
By The My Urgent Care Clinic Team

The holidays are upon us and with it the pressures mount! You have to get everything done, groceries bought, decorations up, gifts wrapped and a feast ready for all your guests – all in one week. If you think that’s going to be easy, think again! It can be stressful but with a little preparation and foresight it doesn’t have to be an ordeal.

So how can we avoid accidents this holiday season? With good old-fashioned planning and precautionary measures of course! Read on for our helpful holiday survival guide.

Travel Safely and Remember the Important Things

Whether traveling by car or plane, it’s important to remember and write down the names of the medications you take at home. It’s also a good idea to write down the dosage and how often you take them. If you are traveling abroad, make sure you check with the CDC website to see if any of your medications are illegal in that country.

If you are traveling by air, it’s also a good idea to talk with your doctor about your condition and how you manage it. It’s important to be upfront with the airline staff and your fellow passengers if you have any medical issues that could cause potential problems during the flight.

If you are traveling by car, be sure to bring along all your medication, just in case you need it, and make sure to have it in hand before you start driving.

Enjoy a Nice, Light Dinner Before You Start Cooking

Some of us like to get a head start on our cooking, but don’t go too crazy and make yourself sick in the process. It’s important to pace yourself, especially if you are hosting guests. If you’re going to go ahead and get started on that feast, make sure to enjoy a nice, light dinner beforehand.

This helps ensure that you don’t overdo it and get sick in the middle of your preparations. And make sure to hydrate – nothing ruins a good party like a dehydration headache.

Be Careful When Using Hot Oil and Utensils

Yes, it’s delicious and yes, it goes perfectly with that cranberry sauce, but don’t pass go and head straight for the spleen if you don’t take care while slicing that turkey. Be sure that you have a pair of safety gloves on and use a carving board. Never, ever use your hand or a fork to turn over the turkey or any other meat for that matter.

This is a common cause of kitchen injuries. If you don’t have a carving board, make sure to place the meat on a clean, dry surface. When you’re dealing with hot oil, make sure to never leave it unattended.

If you’re deep frying your turkey, make sure to use a deep frying thermometer to make sure the oil is at the right temperature.

Have a Roomy Bathroom Just in Case – Or Two

You can never be too careful when it comes to bathroom safety during the holidays. If you have guests coming or if you have young children around, it’s a good idea to have a secondary bathroom that’s out of the way, just in case something happens. Make sure to keep the first aid kit stocked and easily accessible.

If you have small children, it’s also a good idea to keep a first aid kit with small Band-Aids, antiseptic wipes and other things close by the toilet. And if you have a fireplace or are using candles or incense, make sure to have the proper safety precautions in place.

Don’t Forget the Hand Sanitizer

Be sure to keep plenty of hand sanitizer nearby when interacting with guests. Avoiding the spread of germs and keeping everyone healthy is important and with so many people in such a small space, it’s very easy to catch colds and stomach bugs. Be sure to keep all surfaces clean and disinfectant wipes and sprays are easy and convenient ways to do this.

Take a Deep Breath and Breathe. Again.

The holidays are a stressful time. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s important to take a step back and focus on your breathing. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. This will help to calm your nerves and allow you to focus again. If you’re feeling particularly overwhelmed, try these 5 tips to stay calm and collected during the holidays:

  • Prioritize what needs to be done.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Don’t try to do everything at once.
  • Ask for help if you need it.
  • Practice self-care.

Wrapping Paper Tendonitis is Real

Yes, this is a thing. We know it’s tempting to rip that paper to shreds, but be careful not to overdo it. Ripping too hard can lead to tendonitis in your wrist, so try to use scissors or a paper cutter instead. If you’ve got a lot of gifts to wrap, try to divide up the gift wrapping among your friends and family members to avoid overdoing it yourself.


The holidays can be a fun and exciting time of the year, but they can also be stressful and hectic. It is important to stay on top of your health and hygiene during this busy season to help prevent you or a loved one from getting sick. It is also important to take time out of your day to relax and enjoy being with your loved ones.